
Right or wrong?

Do you have to be “god” to be considered right?

I have been thinking about being ignored or considered wrong. Often treated like an unknowing teenager. Wonder why?

Sometimes I get the feeling that I am considered wrong ONLY because I didn´t write the old scriptures.

Was thinking about the converstion with grim about karma. It is wrong. I am NOT responsible for what was decided before the birth of this body. The identity of this body did not evolve until it was born. So……..I had nothing to do with that. As I see it, the spirit (a parasite to this body) tries to fulfil this undertaking of which I am unaware. Of course there is a conflict between the two. The spirit uses clues like “guiding”, dreams, visions to try to inflict certain behaviors in the ID of this body. And do so badly. It has to learn to give clues that is understandable to the ID of the body. As it is now…………I only get frustrated and angry because the spirit don´t leave me alone. And I don´t understand what it wants.

The two parts I always feels, are very real.

As for awakened people they seem to live with both ID and what they call Rigpa or Absolute. From the start they claim they reached the ultimate state. Never the less they keep evolving. Never seem to be done. The body ID still limits them. And that is very frustrating to me. I don´t want a halfway, halfdone sort of reality, when you never know where you are. To me there should be no “illusion” of ID. In my mind there should be Rigpa experience the creation, not creation experience Rigpa. If you go back and forth you are still the ID of the body. Or the remaining spirit. Don´t know. There should be no Aurora experience Rigpa, there shall be Rigpa using the ID Aurora to experience life. Aurora shall have no existence of her own. Rigpa playing that part of Aurora. There should be no Aurora to say “I” or “me”.

The title of this post is “rigth or wrong”, so I ask, am I wrong to think Rigpa should be everything? Only because I have not opened yet. Am I wrong? Or are people maybe afraid I might be right and they are not done? Why do they feel the need to confirm it in old scriptures? I see only one reason, they are not done. There are remaining ID:s that needs confirmation. Ego still wanting, feeling good about being so evolved.

When or if, it opens to me, I expect “me” to dissappear completely, leaving ONLY Rigpa, a constantly moving and changing entity. That knows it all. That IS all. Able to tap in anywhere it wants to.

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