

Was asked what that message ment to me!

Answer is: Nothing!
Why should it? We all know humans is changing, nothing new about that.

What might be an intersting thing thou is how it was received. If that is what is happening, some kind of direct communication, that is interesting. Hm………thinking of it, that´s what I thought about when my friends telephoneline was crap for three weeks. Was thinking of if it would be possible to establish a brain-to-brain link. But it was not about the center of the aura of course.

Anyway, I two weeks ago I was thinking about taking up meditation again. But now, if there are some kind of evolution going on, maybe I just leave it as it is. Might be wrong to interfere. Or……. I am only feeling important, again……..we like to do that, don´t we. (Big laugh)


Strange message

Just to remember! This morning sitting at the computer I got a message. Can´t say I “heard” it, it was simply delivered. What was strange was that it was received somewhere in the chest-area. Not the brain as it usually are.

The message was simple:

the humans are changing!


What is not right

Don´t know, but as I am writing down what I go through I will tell what´s on my mind. That is purely what I feel, and not to be considered as right in any way.

Was about to write bad things about others. This matter is strange. I´ve been reading a bit on COT as I thought chips thread “Dreams” was rather good.

Reading that, I noticed how everyone avoid the possibility of “death”. And I felt the little bastard inside me as well. So, logged in and made a post. This thread shows quite clear on what stages people are. And all of them seem to believe they are on the ultimate level.

I have also seen that several people that thought they were finished suddenly turn upside down. They are lost. It is not right.

It forms a pattern. You “climb” the stairs and at every level there seem to be different experiences. And every time you think you have arrived. Now you shall stay forever happy. Just to find yourself starting all over again. It never seem to end. Grim read a lot of scriptures, they too tell about a lot of degrees of enlightenment. How can you EVER be sure you´re done?

They are all so sure and have very good advice to give. Yeah, it is in good faith, but it is just faith. They all talk about being One and one counsiousness. And talk about the death of ego and being united with “God”. But………..despite all talk, you can feel that they still expect to be there to know about it. To be able to experience that glorious moment, the victory when they become one with god.

Myself I seem to be more sensitive and transparent. It kind of works on its own. So, the talk about having to badly want it is wrong. You don´t have to feel guilty for not wanting it as a lot of people tries to make you. It´s not about wanting. The “teachers” that wants you to follow them and tries to make you feel bad if you don´t are wrong. I heard them talk about “spiritual maturity” whatever that is. They talk about dangers if you don´t get crazy for the wonders of that wich they can´t describe. The fun thing is that it seems like those who, to me, seems most genuine, talks the less. They are reluctant to push people.

Something else: yesterday was a good day and I felt blessed.
-My friend had finally got her phoneline fixed and wrote me a letter.
-In the morning I picked berries and mushrooms and I had a lovely butterfly sitting on my hand for a while.
-In the afternoon I kayaked to visit my friend the Grebe. She was sitting on eggs for some time. Yesterday she was alarmed when I arrived which surprised me as she was used to me. Not too much though. I saw that one chick had hatched so that was the reason. It was hiding on her back. You want to see pics? Then, visit my photoblog. The link is on the post above.

Sometimes life is good. No need for god.



" _"...............



................that is what happen when you have several sites. Big GRIN. Dolls on this site. Why not, really! They say we are dolls, right! Pupets for sure. This is me then.

Sindy on her way to the stable

Borrowed one photo from my sisters dolls and dollhouse site. She collects dolls and makes her own dollshouses. Some years ago I started her site but now she runs it herself.


Who´s talking?

The other day, talking to my friend about things that comes forth.

I feel like I talk about things that happens behind the curtain. It is like I say things that does not come from the person that I am. Like I am just a vessel. That duality again. Someone use my organs to speak. (Then, why does it not come wisdom out ;) )

Other things that does increase is the sense of pointlessness.

Today, when doing the aerobics I was thinking of my mom. She told me that it starts to get difficult to go up and down the stairway. But, of course, if she never goes out it will be difficult. She needs exercise. On the other hand, she has a boring life she says, so why the bother. Don´t exercise and you die faster.

Myself I spend a lot of time with photographing now. I try to capture everything I encounter, then tries to find what speices it is. And put it in galleries and the blog. Then this sneaky thing inside whispers: this is not important, why bother? It means nothing. It is just wasting time!

Sure, but the body needs something to do, can´t just spend years sitting in a chair watching soaps. At least, nature is more interesting then soaps. And, soaps are not an option, can´t stand the stupidities in them. Even if that does not matter either.

So, if you have to spend time with unneccessary things, do it with things that is beautiful. Then you can pretend it is importatant. Better then crap, right?

BTW, if it is so easy to tell me what´s NOT important, why the h-l can´t it tell me WHAT IS then? (Don´t know how many times I said this already.)