
Questions, bla bla bla

Yesterday morning. Soooooooooooooo, what was I supposed to write?

The earth, 24h cycle. In how many ways can one thing be explained?? Was thinking: if realized people live in the daylight part of the world and human beings in the night part of the world. Both parties will claim the other don´t exist because they are not aware of the other side. (Pretend the earth is not revolving) They have to visit the other side to know about it. They have to make the journey.

I am getting tired of Jeds second book. He is very engaged in the mystery of Moby Dick. He finds it to be a book that reveals the Truth. That is, if you can unlock it.

Why is it that “enlightened people” do like to read such stuff a lot? Do they have to explain “nothingness”? Do they need to explain themselves? But I never see the transition explained. Some time ago I wrote about the atoms. They seem to be the limit to what a human eye can percieve. Go further and there is nothing to see. Step back, and the world is there. Then take a microscope and you can see the “unseen”. Take other equipment and you can see the universe in a number of different ways.

The physics, and the quantum in particular seem to have found the first evidences of how matter formes. And they have descovered what they call “the field of possibilities”. In the furure they will probably be able to explain how this is formed. I think this appoach is a better one for me. I have no problem with this.

But it does bother me that spiritual enlightenment don´t explain how I (used in a normal way) can be here. Even if their awareness is on another level they should have to acnowledge every other level as true. There is no other way to do it. The table they talk about in the book ei everything between “solid” and “awareness”. This body and soul I call me is everything between matter and strings. You dan´t leave any part of it out, if you do it can´t exist at all. There is no Universe then.

Chip. This is for you. Jed seem to flip between the seen and the unseen. Like the atom veil we´ve discussed before. But, do you “flip” in the same way? How can you both sit at the table and not being aware of it? Recognice it? Must be a very hard thing to live with. He says: there is no question of a table! Like that should be an explanation. In that case, what is the trigger of the question?

I belive that one day, hopefully not to far away, science can unlock that mystery. It does seem that spirituality can´t. And I need that answer. Do I have to rephrase the question?

1 comment:

  1. thank you chip for explaining that to me. :-) And, yes, grim would probably do that. :-)

    It does not equal the impression I got from Jeds description. But not far from. To me it seemed to be a very "dizzying" thing to live with.
