
White water raft

In the previous post chip suggested I equaled the kayakdrifting with lifestruggles in general. Been in the forest picking the first wild strawberries for the season. Will bring them to my old folks tomorrow.

Mind strolling around freely. Thought the drifting in the kayak could be equaled to the aligning to the Absolute as some speak of. When I drift in the kayak I don´t do much but I adjust the direction once in a while. As I know the workings of the lake I know how to adjust to the route I wish to go. But I can´t work against the lake, then I have to paddle to get where I want.

For now I am not in that calm lake. I am in a white water raft. Hopefully heading towards that lake. But this river is wild. I have to hang on with all my strenght not to be thrown out into the wild water. In this wild river there are no possibility to adjust to it´s movements. You just have to hang on for your life. Because there are no rytm to go with, no going with the flow. It is too wild.

Just a few thoughts. I think… to adjust to the Absolute, you have to know it. Like I know the lake. Chip, if you agree, give me a smile.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20/7/06 02:34

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
