
Somebody is in my head

Last saturday I had one of those sessions again. Starting to cry, wondering why I was not allowed to awaken. All those people, bitches, drogadicts and fanatic religious ones. They made it. But I was denied. Why? Thay always said that one should be nice and good to be able to enter the kingdom of Gods. But to me it seems that the meaner one is, the easier to get there.

The awakened ones always talk about being the one. But they don´t dare speak for it. So, how can they clame to be the universe if they are not me? Instead of being One, they are separated. Limited by their brains.

Yesterday the second entity in my head was really persistent. Pushing its head up like a snake. Starting to think. Starting the old fashioned way of dealing with questions. So hard to suppress. But I will conquer it. I´ll never submit to believe in halftruths. Sometimes I think I might turn around and become a bad person. But I will not do that either. I don´t really like the idéa of revenge. Only when I am angry.


  1. My dear! If I dare so say.

    I do know and see some of what you are talking about. Frustration. Doing everything "right" and so little "reward" and so few understanding "the level". So little questioning. So much refering to OLD "wisdom". Things move on. In my world enlightment can not be the same today as it was. IT is impossible, we actually move on. Though VERY slowly in this particular place.

    I so much see the self defeit around me and handing over "truth" to someone else instead if finding it, examine it and beliveing in what you have found, for your self. No gurus!

    For years I've wondered why I came to this primitive planet - I know now - but it is still primitive. I have been so bored. This boring planet with its boring wars, boring dieases, boring starvation, tons of boring crisis serving noone and nothing... My soul was bored. My spirit was bored. I understood nothing, I just wanted to scream at times.

    All those tales of "one" are tales that others have written. Interpretations made by those whom has not been there. As I see it it is unwriteble. Untellable.

    We are in different places, and yet I do smile when I read your posts. Recognising someone daring to say what many never even aproach inside themseleves.

    One more positive thought without an ancor and I puke! And I'm never coming back! :-)

  2. Thank you Spritsings. I am amused with you reffering to the planet as primitive. Somehow that rings a bell. :) I am happy that you know why you are here, then you can work with that. For me...I have no clue, whatsoever, why I am here. I am being pushed and stoped at the same time leaving me in utter confusion. But, still, deep inside I know I am "I AM".

  3. :-) Most people get offensive when I say that (Primitive), so I usually don't.

    About being the Universe. No as a human being in physical form you can NOT be the universe. U can get a sense, a glimpse but only when you actually are the UNIVERSE itself in its outmost form can you be it. And when you ARE you will not be "here" to tell the tale. :-)

    Still that glimpse is so different from everyting else here that when you enter into that state and try to inform people about it the story becomes so VAST and unbelivable that people think that this particular person is closer to the Source than the rest of us and all to often - SO DOES THAT PERSON. And the rest is history...

    I am not a believer. I'm a "knower". I do not believe in the divine force, I know it every day and I never ever doubt. Does not mean I know how to deal with it, or it being easy but I still know. :-) Hence: If I belive in "God"? Defenitely Not, I know!

    Very provocative för some, especially those in religious traditions whom say: You kan not know. Says whom? They misstake knowledge with proofing. I'm not here to prove anything to anyone and therefore I do not need to be a missionary either. There is no judgement about that at all, because WE ARE ALL the Universe, though we can not be it.

    Did I make myself clear? :-D

  4. strange, I am not a believer either. If I don´t know, I admit it is only "maybe" or yet to be shown.
    I don´t use the word God, it has too many labels on it. Universe or the whole or what ever is better. But I can´t say I "know" it. God takes your mind to a man with beard and there is no way I can see our Ultimate Destiny as a God.
