
Guided to destiny

Posted: Nov 26 2004, 05:28 PM by Ladyhawk

Hi everybody, I´ll try to go back to the reason why I started the thread “destiny”. Most of you love to discuss the eternal in a metaphysical way. I wanted this to be more “down to earth”. I have noticed that a lot of people recognise karma, spirits, guides, God and a faith that you are always where you should be. According to circumstances. At the same time you recognice only your own effort. It is YOU that will take you there. Not any unseen spirit or force. You make your own destiny according to old karma. That is a huge contradiction. How can you chose your sorrows, hardships and joys that matches your karma when you don´t know what the karma is??? And if you knew, wouldn´t you avoid the bad parts?I tell you, the spirits and the divine is masters in conspiracy. In my life I cant say I have achieved anything on my own. So many times I tried to do something and it was impossible. No matter how hard I tried. That goes for both work, relationships and for spiritual paths and growth. To me it is very true that the Divine interfears with my life. Decides where I shall go. I just have to follow. To chose a single path, that some of you seem to have, is impossible to me. Blindfolded I have to go in the direction given. Where I will end up? Don´t know. Ask the One.

Posted: Nov 27 2004, 01:19 AM

When It comes to you I also thought of what you told in the other post. About your sickness and then your work. I had a very hard worksituation earlier. It drew me to resign and make myself unemployed roe a while. Then I asked a small company for work. They said not now. I got another job and learned some things I did not know before. That job ended after 6 months. Then I was stoped on the street by the man I asked before. He now asked about my jobsituation and offered me a job. I took it. After some time I realised that what I had learned on the other temporary job was what I needed to fix this new job. I have been at this job for 4 years now. It is close to home, I have a quiet job without stress and I often go home early. Gives me a lot of time for spiritual thinking and nature walks. And for some reason, I am finally a designing engineer.I needed this. I can´t help but think it was somehow arranged.Another time I was denied by a voice to go into healing. I was not given an explanation but I think it was because I should not "shatter" my thinking.On the net, two different, to me unknown people, advised me to write to the same person when I needed help. Coincidence? Hardly!I Have a lot of those things. Don´t you?

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