

Alexander 910323-910514

My first grandchild. He was born with a defect in the mitocondri-system. He could not produce energy so he was tied to a respiration machine.

I could not see him before he was three days old as they transferred my daughter and Alexander to a different hospital. When I was on my way to see him I suddenly heard a voice in my head. “Hej Monica”. It sounded like my grandmother. Then I got a name into my head, the name from “The Lionheart brothers” the young brother that died. I think it was a watning. Then I reached a window and looked inside it. My eyes directly to my grandsons incubator. He was so sweet despite the tubes into his nose.

He was so beautiful. And developed fast mentally, maybe because the body had no energy for movement and growth.

After he died and after the funeral we were 4 woman in my kitchen. Suddenly we noticed that presense. I asked aloud, did you feel that. They said yes, he was here.

Two weeks later I, my daughter and Alexanders father was out for a spring walk in the forest. Then they drowe me home. I was tired so I laid down on the sofa. Arms in front of me. Then I fels something sliding into my arms. It was dense enough to make me move my arms to give room to him. It was Alexanders spiritbody. I did not see it. Yet I saw it and felt it. It was the torso no limbs or head, just something like the aura. Then I “heard” a voice in my head. It said “father-Atilla”. And I understood that I had to give his father a message. “I am here but I can´t get thru to you”.

Later we went to the highlands for vacation. There are a small wooden church. We entered it and my daughter picked up a psalmbook. The book opened at the very verses that were used on Alexanders funeral.

Later on in April 2000 I meditated on people. See post 060625.
quote: “I started out on april 23. I decided to start to meditate on my granddaughter as she was my oldest, 6 yrs. After a while she was in front of me. But then a hand gently pushed her aside and my firstborn grandchild came in. He died at an age of 7 weeks. He sent me a mental message that he was the firstborn that I loved, he should be the first one. How true. He was soo welcome. “

And after that he has been gone.

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