


What is this? Can´t it just leave me alone for a couple of days?? I don´t have time for it.

48 h from now I am on my way with all stuff to the new town. And I need to work.

Got connected to Grim this morning, as well as last night with a few more people. Grim is persistent. But he don´t see it my way. It is like we are in different corners and equally stubborn. Told him today I will not accept a universe that don´t explain why I am sitting here. To say there is but One and then deny a part of it. I don´t buy it. If you day All. It is All.

The Universe is life. The basic is the stillness they talk about. But it forms what we are. Our temporary selves are part of that stillness. There are movements and forms within the stillness. There would be no awareness if there was no movements. We would not think if it is as still as they say. I think it is just hidden from us all due to the brain. It can´t handle that truth.

Chip said she goes backwards in the chakra system. Isn´t that the koan, “the mountain is again a mountain”?? That is kind of my cornerstone. We need all aspects to be able to be “the whole”. You can´t leave Maya out. My senses is as much the Absolute as anything in spirit form. You only see the “reality” from the present point of view.

I think that S:t John of the Cross put it something like this: As long as in human form you can´t see it all. No matter hoe much you think your done. The only way to be All is to die from the body. Leave the human form. Then, maybe…………

Now…..please leave me alone for a couple of days. I need the brain for more mondane things.

Watcher……..where are you?

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