
Another one

This time I was biking to the job. My college, the third person and I was working on three different jobs. We all did parts on all three jobs. When I was about to leave for home I asked my boss: you send the payment? He just frowned. So I understood there is no payment. Then I frowned too, thought :so what? Then left.

I think there was two dreams as I woke up and then went back to sleep. Don´t remember the second one, just think there was one.

So, now, still no message of WHAT to do. Earlier when I had “working dreams” it was about working on the wrong system where I could not save my work. Think I had a least 10 of them. This time, one part, is the third unknown person. And the uncertainty of getting payd somehow. In the first dream the third person was leading the work somehow, now it is working beside. Taking part of the work.

Still have no message of what to do?? I´m not starting anything again unless I am shown in what direction I shall go. Spirit! Do a better job! We are part of the same, you know I hate riddles. If you can produce riddles, you´re also able to produce something I can use.

If something has to be done, be specific or I will not work. I´ve taken contol of dreams once before when I got mad enough. I can do it again and destroy the dreams.


  1. Anonymous14/8/07 02:46

    maybe payment or expectation of reward are ego attachments to outcome from action and should be left behind? you probably read something similar from you books i bet. me too. seems like you and your subconscious are now working from both ends (daily life and dream). sometimes it takes the lead and sometimes it works beside as circumstances warrant. as for WHAT to do, i cannot say but i can see that you are again looking [demanding! :) ] specifics and timetables again, more ego. Its frustrating i know, but they say its the ego that gets frustrated, since somethings attached to expectation or result. ive usually got better happenings dreamwise (especially recently) with taking my hands off the throttle and giving up agenda. maybe you wanna try that? since we are in similar place, i know how you feel. what the three jobs are and who the third person represents i dontknow. what i do know what is being worked on is you so thats something!
    you friend,

  2. I´ve rarely tried to be in charge as this is not really what I want. The reason for my reaction is that I get pissed over being pushed to do stuff but never EVER being told what the h-l to do. I´m tired of trying to figure out what to do. There are billion things to do, shall I do them all? And when I do something the damned spirits throws me into a wall.
    If My guidings was as poor when I had students, they would have learned nothing. They would just have been lost.
    This night I had no dream. Hm, maybe you are the third person? You´ve been following the blog for a long time now.

  3. the poor guidings only teaches me to hate

  4. Anonymous15/8/07 01:05

    ive got an idea how you feel. don't know if im the third person, it is possible, could be someone else or another aspect of your psyche. hard to tell, maybe will be clearer over time. glad you thought of me, have been reading you blog for awhile...has it really been long time? :)
