
The system

Well, first thing I have to admit I have not studied this really. Just surfaced it a little here and a little there. This is what I have come up with so far. Depending of understanding it differs a bit between the actual numbers in most of the things mentioned below.

There seem to be:

- a body of matter
- at least 5 energybodies as I have seen noticed
- chakrasystem, 7 main chakras
- 7 astral planes
- reincarnation
- akashic records
- healing energy
- guides

- body of matter

- microbes
- mind
- consciousness
- energybody
- atoms
- strings

and what ever………

7 visible colors, 7 astral planes, 7 main chakras, probably 7 “bodies” as well (5+1+”One”). Do they correspond to each other? What about the nonvisible energies? Is that the other energybodies we can´t see or notice.

It is certainly a complicated and sophisticated system to be considered ”Nothing” and not existing. One can wonder why such a system should be created just to be ignored. Why would the Universe invent matter and living beings, just to struggle all the way, all the levels only to get back to where it started from? If it has no purpose why is it so delicate? Bodies within bodies. Systems within systems. Life within life. Level upon level. And all of it dependent of each other. Needing each other. One Life!

What a complicated “hide and seek” for/from itself.

It seem to be too much to even try to grasp. But maybe I don´t have to. Well, enough with twisting brains today. Ah, but there is no brain to twist. Only strings. F L O A T I N G!

Creation floating in Nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I know chip, but you have to admit it is a wonderfully designed system. And for no other purpose than to be dismissed!?!

    You can´t know the driver if you don´t know the car. Right? To know Nothing is to know All.
