

Have been thinking of habits and attachments. The human need for those. As I am in the process of moving, still 2 months before it will happen, but am planning and going through things. And throwing things away.

A lot of things is popping up. There are habits, attachments and routines that will have to go. Fine, but then…….there will not be long until I have created a bunch of new ones. The human need for familier things.

Can I avoid it? Probably not. To live in society means knowing where the store is. What floor you live on. Remember to lock the door. But don´t need the chain on balconydoor. The hand has to learn where the new swiches are located. A new way to the local store. Can´t go daydreaming for a while then. :-)

Actually, to LIVE is to do that. And with habits grows attachments. No way, as I know about, to avoid it. So, first I free myself, shake it “off, all off” as the shampoo ad says. Then I create a new set. This seem to be done even if it is not really necessary.

So, what is the point?? Just to be aware of it.

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