
Ok, after “final”

There seems to be no final stuff. This popped up in my brain while biking home from a dinner with my parents.

If there was no life in the Universe, would it STILL be cool to be enlightened? Or is the enlightened thing dependent of “life”? What would enlightenment be without “maya” or “life”?

Can awareness be aware if there is nothing to be aware of?

Every “enlightened” being that we know of is still in this world of the living. Can they still be there if life is wiped out?

Somehow I feel like I am only reporting what is happening. I´m not really involved in it.


  1. Anonymous30/6/07 09:08

    saw you big red letters asking who are the people visiting this site! im still here and i visit you site sometimes, but sometimes i take a break because you get so frustrated and i get upset too! i think many of the same things you say in you blog and want to cry, im so tired. i don't know if you will take down the blog but its nice to know im not the only person that thinks about this stuff. i dont post comments much because you are pretty much asking the same questions like me and i have no answers, would just be asking your questions right back at you! :( and have nobody to talk about it with where i live because i live in the country and not god nor angel seems to say anything about my prayers, at least nothing i can understand. kind of giving up on everything too

  2. thank you little cloud, I know what you mean. Think I needed a confirmation that I am not crazy either. There are others like me.

    In the same situation.
