
Was I wrong?

Saw a post from Asi on the collections today. It seemed as grims “work” with him might have been successful after all. If so, I was wrong about it then. Maybe it works for some people. Does not change for me though. I can´t do it that way. When I saw that post I got so frustrated. Why does everybody but me have nice things? In all those years I had 15 min of being in a state of wonder. 15 minutes of 10 years. Not much. But I have to tell grim to let me be. I can´t do it that way, if any way. I don´t trust it. If it smashes me once more I will not survive.

Talked to grim yesterday. Thought he might have been a bit hurt, but no, don´t seem so. If it had been Eddie he had banned me long ago. (As, in fact he did.)

Anyway, Was thinkin gof that “Neither” yesterday on my way to my parents. They talk about Truth, and Creation (Maya) and the Absolute. Are they the same? I don´t think so. I think it is:

Truth = Creation + The Absolute. Or like.. 0=+1-1

I see “Neither” as “not creation, not the Absolute. Then it leaves it open. A big questionmark??? Grim finally admitted that neither is the third way in “How do you know the Ultimate ?” thread.
quote 070209:
Aurora you said:"It is strange how you use "nither" and emediately come up with a third solution."Neither IS the third option, but when looking into it truthfully, then something else....

Can “Neither” stand alone? In dictionaries I looked at it can´t. So, if “Neither” is another way of saying “Truth”, then it needs the Absolute and The Creation as well.

OK, later, talked to grim for a long time. Maybe the problem is not what he does, but that it is done in an open forum, and I am sensitive to other peoples frustration as well as my own. He actually tries to understand what I am, how I work, but often you have to put him back on track when he gets astrayed. lol


  1. Anonymous19/3/07 07:28

    I just saw this email in my inbox, i havn't signed in a little, sorry.

    First there is the presentation of "Neither" where of course it is dependent upon a pair, to say it is "not either".
    ie. "Existence" & "Non-Existence" we say "Truth" is Neither of these.

    How can it even be "by itself" when you are FIRST indicating it is NOT comparison. If you are FIRST indicating it is NOT comparison, what "two" do you need Neither to "not be either" of?

    Where you posted, "When looking into Neither truthfully, then something else..."
    meaning, when you see "Neither" for what it really is, (which is, NOT EITHER OF THOSE OPTIONS FIRST), then what does that leave "Neither"?

    RIGHT after you notice your mind overloads and then halts,
    THAT"S what "Neither" truely is, You.
    Obviously though, noticing that your mind has halted, starts it again, but that is all that was attempted to point out.

    ps. I never would ask you to just "trust me".

  2. grim: "I never would ask you to just "trust me"."

    I know grim. You as well as I know that "trust" only don´t do the trick.

    "ie. "Existence" & "Non-Existence" we say "Truth" is Neither of these.
    In my stubborn head, it is not "Neither of these", it is "Both". As you well know, Don´t you? Or rather, you can´t seperate them from "each other" as one can´t be without the other.

    Thanks grim for being here.

  3. Anonymous20/3/07 02:11

    Your welcome.
    Ok, and to address "both"

    do you think Truth depends on Existence & Non-Existence to be?

    1. Do you think that Existence & Non-Existence have to be there FIRST (then you add them to get 'both' aka Truth)


    2. Do you think that Truth is FIRST, and then Existence & Non-Existence come out of that?

    If you feel Truth is the second option, then that MOST ASSUREDLY includes "both", plus a whole lot more of whatever Truth is.

  4. grim, I don´t think any aspect of it is "first". There is no "both" either. It is just "all" seen in different ways. From different perspective, with limited eyes and mind. That is why I don´t rule out anything and have to include everything.

    You can´t take anything away. If you do, it is not "all".

    It is inside me. Can´t change it. To be honest, this vocubulary struggle mostly frustrates me as it creates opposites that I don´t see exist.
