
Dream of war

This was a kind of war dream. Ingemar (one of my troubles) was a teamleader in the dream to defeat the obstacles. No demanding attraction left. Just a teamleader. I found it strange. The dream was a mish-mash with no structure. Think the point was to show Ingemar as the teamleader that should help me fight the war. To show another side of that individual. That his role in my life was the role of obstacle, and now that part is over and the true nature is revealed. Well, suspected that. So, are the universe revealing what it does? What really happened, to earn the respect? To make me trust it? Too early for that yet.

The men
It has always been like I should love them so THEY get happy satisfied or wahtever. They always acted like they demand something and I can´t give as long as they demand it. That is why I always cursed the absolute because I have to go there on my own wish, not on demand. As I see it it is the calm periods when I go on my own that is the most fruitful. As soon as there are stupid messages or pushes I revolt. Why am I not allowed to do this my own way? You dan´t force somebody to love you. Love and respect has to be earned.

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