

Read an article about birds visions. They see 4 colors, blue, green, red and UV. We only see blue, green and red. So, birds have another view of the world then we have.

It is kind of strange to read about things like colors.

“It is also correct that the colors as we see them, are related to the wavelenght in the reflecting light (from the objects). But the colors as we see them are only brainchemistry and only exists in or consiousness. “

What is so strange is that they explain that there is no colors and then they have several pages when they explain how birds and humans grasps and depends on colors.

I don´t doubt that colors are wavelenghts received in the brain and presented to us as colors. But as a certain wavelenght always gives a specific color, could you not then say that that the colors are qualities of the wavelenghts? So, actually, a certain wavelenght IS a certain color. So, you can say colors exists, even if we don´t see them.

What we call colors in daily life is not the colors itself. It is material that reflects light in a certain way and we learn to use those materials. But they too changes during the day or other circumstances. The red color on the wall changes due to weatherconditions. A rainy day gives a different “red” then a sunny day does. Incoming light determines what reflects from the surface.

Some years ago I realised that the chakrasystem had the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow comes out of white light going through raindrops or prisms. Maybe that is one aspect of our beings. We emerge from the source in a similar way as the colors from the rainbow. And when the prizm closes, we go back to sorce.

Enough for today

Edited 070210

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