
twins ??

Lately I have felt a great deal of satisfaction because I felt that the spiritual side finally loses its grip over me. Now it can go several days between times when spiritual thoughts come through.

Then, of course, I had to get a mail. A person that called herself Maya (well I think it is a female) said she read my entire blog. And checking the statistics, it looks like she had.

She said we were like twins, that reading about me was like reading her own story. Well, has no clue what that means really. But she probably has not come that far as I am right now because if she was she would not have read that blog. Because I am angry, still.

But I can´t help but wonder why she found it. And what made her read all of it.

I am not too happy about it because it is disturbing. I have no wish to start all over again. In fact I think it is impossible.

That aside, a peculiar thing happened. I was at the flower store and suddenly I realized I am tired of all beautiful flowers. I was startled because I did not think that would ever happen.


  1. i apologize. last thing i wanted was to anger you. i myself am angry. i most probably haven't come as far as you. but i'm so tired of struggling.

    sorry again.

  2. was not angry with you. On the contrary, I was a bit curious in what way we were alike. I have never, during all those years, met anyone that even came close to what I have experienced.
    BUT.. I was annoyed at the spiritual side. Are they playing games with us again?
    You are welcome to write a little about yourself.
