
Guided to destiny

Posted: Nov 26 2004, 05:28 PM by Ladyhawk

Hi everybody, I´ll try to go back to the reason why I started the thread “destiny”. Most of you love to discuss the eternal in a metaphysical way. I wanted this to be more “down to earth”. I have noticed that a lot of people recognise karma, spirits, guides, God and a faith that you are always where you should be. According to circumstances. At the same time you recognice only your own effort. It is YOU that will take you there. Not any unseen spirit or force. You make your own destiny according to old karma. That is a huge contradiction. How can you chose your sorrows, hardships and joys that matches your karma when you don´t know what the karma is??? And if you knew, wouldn´t you avoid the bad parts?I tell you, the spirits and the divine is masters in conspiracy. In my life I cant say I have achieved anything on my own. So many times I tried to do something and it was impossible. No matter how hard I tried. That goes for both work, relationships and for spiritual paths and growth. To me it is very true that the Divine interfears with my life. Decides where I shall go. I just have to follow. To chose a single path, that some of you seem to have, is impossible to me. Blindfolded I have to go in the direction given. Where I will end up? Don´t know. Ask the One.

Posted: Nov 27 2004, 01:19 AM

When It comes to you I also thought of what you told in the other post. About your sickness and then your work. I had a very hard worksituation earlier. It drew me to resign and make myself unemployed roe a while. Then I asked a small company for work. They said not now. I got another job and learned some things I did not know before. That job ended after 6 months. Then I was stoped on the street by the man I asked before. He now asked about my jobsituation and offered me a job. I took it. After some time I realised that what I had learned on the other temporary job was what I needed to fix this new job. I have been at this job for 4 years now. It is close to home, I have a quiet job without stress and I often go home early. Gives me a lot of time for spiritual thinking and nature walks. And for some reason, I am finally a designing engineer.I needed this. I can´t help but think it was somehow arranged.Another time I was denied by a voice to go into healing. I was not given an explanation but I think it was because I should not "shatter" my thinking.On the net, two different, to me unknown people, advised me to write to the same person when I needed help. Coincidence? Hardly!I Have a lot of those things. Don´t you?


Empty Space

Posted: Sep 6 2004, 12:03 PM by Ladyhawk on SDF

Hi all,why am I hanging like an idiot in an emty space? with nowhere to go, noplace to stay and nothing to say! If there really are someone looking after me …….why am I being left in this emty space, it´s like a huge void???Reading your posts gives me a feeling of togetherness even if I don´t understand half of what you are saying (right yam? ) Everybody seem so busy following your paths or finding new ones. I envy you. Does any beliefsystem have an answer???



Snake meditation

Something nice happened today that I´d like to share with you all.

I have a lake 15 min by bike from my where I live. I use to go there a lot. So today. I was alone and the sun came through. Ad to that a little wind and the sound from trees and water. Makes me go into meditation mode. So I sat down and drifted away. After a while I could sense a precence and opened my eyes. Between me and the water was a snake. It´s tail almost tuching my leg. It was streched out, bending the head backwards, watching me. I sat still, this snake is harmless, and then it coiled (ran?) away down the cliff towards the water.

When it was out of sight I resumed meditaion. After a while something tickles my leg. Looking down I see the snake trying to enter under my leg. Instinctively I lifted my leg a bit. If I hadn´t moved it had come up to my lap. But now it moved away. Then I saw to that it got back into the forest. And the meditation was over for this time.


Shaman & Helix dream

"I don´t remember the beginning of the dream, but then I visited a man, probably a shaman, that should analyse my spiritual situation, how far I have come and what I have to do to continue spiritually. The room had white walls with no decorations on them. He layed down on a bench and got into a trance. Then it started to come out a huge amount of smoke from his closed right eye, the nostrils, mouth and ears. His left eye was glowing under the lid and through a tiny slit. Very bright. Above the eye was hovering a redglowing spiral (Helix type). When he woke up I tried to tell him what I had seen, but he did not want to hear. He reach for a small doll, looked carefully on it. Then put his finger on a point between the middle (vertical) chestbone and the right side nipple. Here, you have to press here he said. And the dream ended." This is a lot of symbols and I don´t understand a thing. What does the smoke and spiral mean??? And why shall I press that point? Hope you can help

.***************Posted on SDF and received a comment from ::

Hello Ladyhawk, As you most likely already know symbols are the language of the subconsciouse, the soul....it doesn't speak English If you don't already do it I would suggest keeping a dream journal, in addition jot down notes about the days events. And date both entries. After a period of time you'll notice any outstanding event in a day will have a dream symbol three days prior to the happening, you'll see a pattern developing between certain symbols and specific events.This is what I make of your dream......first you encountered a shaman, this indicates you need to make a self healing, then he gave you the answer as to what needs healing.... the helix on the left side indicates what you are responding to, your early enviroment, what you inherited by way of negative impressions resulting in negative judgements. The smoke coming out of the right eye means an inability to see clearly based on these judgements. Because of the symbols used by your subconciouse I think these 'negativities' are very subtle and you'll have to examine to see where and what they are.The doll is you. ( it can also indicate childhood and or children) that the shaman pressed the RIGHT side, near the heart area is how you will progress. The left is what we recieve, the right is what we do with it in the world. He pressed the doll near the heart area on the right side.You can put these symbols together for yourself better then I can for you know the particular elements of your life they may pertain to. But I would guess that this is an urge from your subconsciouse to do a lot of practicing of gererosity, including but not limited to, forgiveness. Not holding on to pain or hurt or constricting emotional judgements.I find it intersting that your dreams are so vivid and sequencial Ladyhawk, this in itself is an indication of increased growth.Hope this may have given you some insight into resolving your questions re the dream. Any insights you can come up with on your own will be more valuable then mine, as there are always other levels involved.
Shanti to us all, light in our eye


Aura Meditation

Aura Meditation (from a letter to S)
Yesterday I sat down to meditate before breakfast. As I am on holiday I can do that. I thought that maybee the stomach digesting kind of spoils meditation.

I tried to get out of the body into the aura. And I think I made it. But the aura was grey. Not colorful. I was scared and tried to clean it. Have I messed up that much? I had a dream also in the morning before that. "I was getting a job at my old company but I was given a job in the archive just making blueprints, not as an engineer. And I was trying to get my old job back:" I made a connection in my meditation that I might have spoiled my chances to go farther in my development.

I was searching the net for auracolors. It is obvioulsy so that it can be grey. But people did not seem to agree about the meaning of it.

This morning I meditated again before breakfast:
I was able to create te eggshaped aura again and I was trying to clean the aura. I opend the "watersystem" above my head and let the water flow. I took a brush and started to scrub the aura from top down. It was not as to scrub of dirt as I intended, but to remove a rubber-layer. It was hard. It´s like the meditation lived it´s own life, turning meditation into vision. Not controlled by me. I manage to remove the layer and saw some auracolors beneath it but they were faint. I took a step back to watch it and was quite pleased with the job. The "rubber sheet" laying around its base. And then I saw "the tall man" in the middle of the aura, his head above the aura. Slightly turned away from me. When he "faced" me I could feel a tiny smile of approval coming towards me.Then he bent down, took the layer from the aura-base and put it back on his "shoulder", like a cloak, also covering the aura. But he did not button up entierly, his "head" was still free and I could see a glimpse of the aura. And then the meditation/vision ended itself.


Time Train, altered consciousness

This is something that happened during the weeks May and June when I took care of my grandkids as my daughter was in hospital. I did not really realise it at the time, it came later, as it happend a similar thing again. During those days it was rather much to do. One day I noticed that I was sitting on a train. (not a dream some kind of vision) It was an oldfashioned train with heavy curtains in front of the windows. I noticed the rails was turning upwords like a wheel. The train “moving” on that rail, but my position was not changed. My mind or self was sitting on that train, looking out of the window and saw my body going about her business driving kids, cooking, washing and such. It was as my soul escaped into that timetrain, just sitting, following the things happening in the "real" world as the time went by. I noticed it now and then. Afterwords I realise it went on for I think at least two days. It seemed to be a way to keep the self at peace at the same time I cared for kids and work. I was still in that train compartment, the outside world moving with that “time-rail”.

If that is something that can be mastered at will it would be a splendid tool to keep serenity. Is it possible???


Tall Man dream

I came home to my appartment. It was almost empty and I saw a very tall man sending my things away. I reached him only to his waistline. He was dressen in grey. I was angry and attacked him. I get one of his fingers and I bit it, to try to make him stop sending my things away. He did not seem to be hurt or cared by my bitting so my anger stoped and I calmed down, then I looked around me, thought that it did not matter all that much.

Then he turned towards me saying: I take your things away because you should not really be here.