
Meditation and double crown

Right now I seem to want to write to 2 different persons. To Swami Asokananda Yogaville in the states and to Swami Janakananda in Håå. That will make it 2 different outlooks. (If I´m not wrong Janakananda seems to dislike mr Brunton but likes Milarepa.)

This session lasted for 69 minutes. I was working a little on the chackras in the beginning. But instead of the lotus on the head I put the eaglehead there. That does not really make any difference but I like the picture on the card that I bought. An old Indian with an eagleface on his head. Also I read about the eagle and snake symbols yesterday in an article written by Swami Janakananda. From the Internet ”Spiritweb”. It is nothing new about it but I think it guided my thoughts a little. I also started to read the chapter about relativity in Mr Bruntons book. After reading those pages I really whish that he had lived to see this milleniumshift. All the globe worked together in harmoni.

Well, back to the meditation. In my letter to Swami Asokananda. I asked what happens with the body and intellekt if the mind develops far beyond. I think I have the answer now. You don´t have to leave them. Matter, thought and mind is all but a different kind of energy. The question of development is to get in sync with the universe. That makes it possible to work with them all at the same time. I think this is what the ancient yogi Milarepa did. He turned the whole of his beeing into controled energy. That´s why his body could just vanish when he died. It was no longer flesh.

I don´t have all this lights that everybody seem to have. I only exprienced it a few times. I don´t think I need it. I also don´t have this calm feelings or happiness, but I do have the urge for development. What I experience is darkness, but not emptiness. Sometimes I feel like the hole body is starting to vibrate. Especially the head and the hands. The hands sometimes get so stiff and sticking that it aces. There is also something like sounds but it is not a sound. Hard to explain.

Janakananda wrote about the Doublecrown of Egypt. He made an error. Egypt was TWO countrys, thats why the two crowns. When they joined they merged the two into one. For my own there is another way of seeing this. A few years ago when I was very unhappy, I visited Egypt. Then an idéa came to me. I bought a piece of silver. It show the figure of the eye and the snake with the doublecrown. I thought it somehow symbolised me. One of the crowns was my body with its desires, the other was my mind/intellekt with its desires. Seperate, yet unseperable. The Snake was the supervisor. Also linked to the two crowns and unseperable from them, overlooking what the others was argueing and fighting about, shaking its head but unable to do anything about it. I still have to solve this riddle. How to unite them into one? Or maybe they already are, I just don´t see it. The other day I was thinking: The Universe want´s me, I want the Universe. Who wants who? If everything is pure energy, is there really a difference? Is it relevant to make a definition when I am a part of the universe?

Looks like the meditation gave a lot more than I thought.